A boat travels over the corals below

A boat travels over the corals below

Abrolhos Marine Park surrounds the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, one of Australia’s most important seabird breeding areas.

More than two million birds breed on the Houtman Abrolhos Islands and forage in the park’s waters, relying on the marine life there to raise their young.

The islands support Australia’s only known breeding population of lesser noddies.

Features of the park include:

  • an ancient, now-submerged coastline
  • canyons
  • eddies that drive nutrient-rich waters to the surface
  • western rock lobsters
  • a high diversity of fishes.

The Nanda and Naaguja people have responsibilities for Sea Country in the park.

The park is approximately 27 kilometres south-west of Geraldton, Western Australia. It covers 88,060 square kilometres, with depths from less than 15 metres to 6000 metres.

It has National Park, Habitat Protection, Multiple Use and Special Purpose zones.


Exploring the Abrolhos Islands is a huge adventure for experienced well-equipped sailors, with opportunities for:

  • diving
  • nature watching
  • fishing.

Most people heading to this area are likely to visit the adjacent Houtman Abrolhos Islands, which are managed by Western Australian Fisheries as a Fish Habitat Protection Area. You can find more information about visiting the Abrolhos Islands on the Western Australian government website.

Select the park area on the map below to see what you can do in the Abrolhos Marine Park.


South-west marine parks

Park area

88,060 km2

Depth range

15 to 6,000m

Average depth
