North-west Marine Parks Network
Use the map below to navigate the North-west Marine Parks Network.
There are 13 Australian Marine Parks off the north-west coast of Western Australia that make up the North-west Network.
Covering 335,341 square kilometres, marine parks in the north-west include coral reefs, soft sediments, canyons and limestone pavements.
Wildlife found here include dugongs and species of:
- seabird
- shark
- whale
- dolphin
- marine turtle.
Locals and visitors have the chance to experience such wildlife in unique places, including:
- offshore reefs
- islands
- cays.
The iconic whale shark is found at Ningaloo, and every year humpback whales migrate through the region to and from their breeding grounds between the Exmouth Gulf and the Kimberley coast.
North-west Marine Parks Network Management Plan
A management plan for the North-west Marine Parks Network came into operation on 1 July 2018. See the:
- North-west Network Management Plan
- North-west Network maps, including the zoning.
Download resources
- North-west Implementation Plan (PDF, 248 KB)
- Australian Marine Parks guideline for the authorisation of commercial tourism and general use activities on islands in the Coral Sea, Ashmore Reef and Cartier Island Marine Parks (PDF, 626 KB)
- Australian Marine Parks Mooring Policy (PDF, 362 KB)
- North-west Network factsheet (PDF, 3 MB)
Regional Engagement
The implementation of the North-west Marine Parks Network Management Plan is supported by the North-west Marine Parks Advisory Committee.
North-west marine parks
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