A sailor using a sextant.

A sailor using a sextant.

Use the links below to explore and download the available maps and spatial data for Australian Marine Parks.

Australian Marine Parks maps for your navigational plotter

When you’re out fishing, it is important that you’re aware of the marine parks, their zones and how the rules of a zone might impact on your activities.

The easiest way to stay compliant on the water is to make sure marine park boundaries and zones are showing on your plotter!

Check to see what chart updates your plotter manufacturer is offering – we have worked with a number of companies to make sure Australian Marine Parks information is included.

You can also download the maps in a variety of file formats to suit different plotters:

  1. Head to the Australian Marine Parks zoning data page.
  2. Click on ‘Download’ in the top menu.
  3. Click the appropriate zip file for your region and it will download to your computer.
  4. Upload these files to your plotter.

Our maps are developed on World Geodetic Spheroid 1984 or WGS84. This is the default datum setting used by most plotters, but if you’re having trouble loading the files, check your plotter setting. If your plotter is set to GD94, change it to WGS84 to ensure your chart and plotter settings match!

If you’re still having an issue, we’re here to problem solve with you – drop us an email and one of the team will be in touch to help you.

Australian Marine Park zoning data is also available via a web service (WMS). To access the web services you will need access to software which can communicate with the web services, such as an online web portal or a GIS application.

If you have any difficulties with these electronic files or require a different file format, please contact marineparks@dcceew.gov.au


Recreational fishing apps

Information about where you can recreationally fish in Australian Marine Parks is available on these mobile phone apps:

Parks Australia is working with other partners to increase the number of mobile phone applications that contain information to help recreational fishers understand where they can fish.

For further information about the zones and rules in each marine park, check the factsheets on each network.