Anemones. Photo: Justin Gilligan

Anemones. Photo: Justin Gilligan

The following list contains authorisations that have been issued by the Director of National Parks for allowable activities in Australian Marine Parks in 2021-22.

Authorisation number Issue date Expiry date Network Marine Park Authorisation type Primary activity Secondary activity Authorisation holder
PA2022-00042-1 01/06/2022 01/05/2024 Coral Sea Coral Sea Licence Commercial Tourism Charter Fishing Gladstone Coral Charters / Gleeson Family Trust
PA2022-00059-1 31/05/2022 29/08/2022 Temperate East Norfolk Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial Research Individual
PA2022-00065-1 31/05/2022 31/05/2023 Temperate East Lord Howe Permit Recreational Fishing Recreational Fishing Individual
PA2022-00001-1 20/05/2022 09/07/2025 North-west Montebello Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial Research Individual
PA2022-00062-1 19/05/2022 30/06/2022 Coral Sea Coral Sea Permit Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Individual
PA2022-00037-1 17/05/2022 20/05/2024 North-west Ningaloo Licence Commercial Tourism Scuba/snorkel activities Individual
PA2022-00057-1 17/05/2022 18/05/2024 South-west Perth Canyon; Abrolhos Licence Commercial Tourism Charter Fishing Individual
PA2022-0057-2 17/05/2022 18/05/2024 North-west Montebello; Shark Bay Licence Commercial Tourism Charter Fishing Millennial Charters Pty Ltd
PA2021-00054-2 16/05/2022 15/03/2026 Temperate East Lord Howe Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial Research Individual
PA2022-00035-1 16/05/2022 18/04/2024 North-west Gascoyne; Ningaloo Permit Commercial Tourism Commercial Media Individual
PA2021-00092-4 15/05/2022 31/12/2022 North-west Carnarvon Canyon; Gascoyne; Ningaloo Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial Research Individual
PA2022-00050-1 09/05/2022 21/06/2022 Coral Sea Coral Sea Permit Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Individual
PA2022-00047-1 06/05/2022 16/06/2022 Coral Sea Coral Sea Permit Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Individual
PA2022-00048-1 06/05/2022 10/05/2024 South-west Abrolhos Licence Commercial Tourism Charter Fishing Individual
PA2021-00122-1 03/05/2022 22/06/2022 Coral Sea Coral Sea Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial Research Individual
PA2022-0005-2 26/04/2022 30/09/2022 North-west Ningaloo Permit Commercial Media Commercial Media Individual
PA2022-00044-2 21/04/2022 03/05/2024 North-west Montebello; Shark Bay Licence Commercial Tourism Charter Fishing Top Gun Charters/The trustee for HDP Family trust
PA2022-00021-1 21/04/2022 28/04/2024 South-west Abrolhos Licence Commercial Tourism Charter Fishing Monaghan Family Trust
PA2022-00029-1 21/04/2022 09/05/2024 North-west Argo-Rowley Terrace; Mermaid Reef Licence Commercial Tourism Nature Watching The Great Escape Charter Company
PA2022-00044-1 21/04/2022 03/05/2024 South-west Perth Canyon; Abrolhos Licence Commercial Tourism Charter Fishing Top Gun Charters/The trustee for HDP Family trust
PA2022-00007-1 14/04/2022 01/06/2023 South-west Perth Canyon; Great Australian Bight; Western Eyre; Permit Commercial Media Commercial Media Individual
PA2022-00007-2 14/04/2022 01/06/2023 South-east Freycinet Permit Commercial Media Commercial Media Individual
PA2022-00040-1 14/04/2022 31/03/2027 Coral Sea Coral Sea Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial Research Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
PA2022-00034-1 11/04/2022 03/05/2024 Temperate East Solitary Islands Licence Commercial Tourism Nature Watching Jetty Dive Centre
PA2022-00015-1 08/04/2022 04/04/2024 Coral Sea Coral Sea Licence Commercial Tourism Commercial Media Individual
PA2022-00022-1 08/04/2022 08/04/2024 North-west Gascoyne; Ningaloo Licence Commercial Tourism Commercial Media The Trustee for the Ocean Air Trust
PA2021-00137-1 28/03/2022 01/04/2023 North Wessel Permit Commercial Media Commercial Media Individual
PA2022-00016-1 22/03/2022 06/03/2026 North-west Carnarvon Canyon; Gascoyne Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial Research The University of Western Australia
PA-2022-00016-2 22/03/2022 06/03/2026 South-west Perth Canyon; South-west corner; Eastern Recherche Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial Research The University of Western Australia
PA2022-00025-1 11/03/2022 30/04/2022 South-west Abrolhos Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial Research Western Australian Museum
PA2022-00005-1 21/02/2022 30/04/2022 South-west Bremer Permit Commercial media Commercial Media Individual
PA2021-00001-2 17/02/2022 31/03/2025 Temperate East Norfolk Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Individual
PA2021-00156-1 16/02/2022 02/06/2024 South-west Bremer Licence Commercial media Commercial Media Individual
PA2021-00154-1 14/02/2022 02/06/2024 South-west Bremer Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Individual
PA2022-00004-1 07/02/2022 23/03/2022 South-east Western Eyre; Western Kangaroo Island; Great Australian Bight; Murat; Murray; Southern Kangaroo Island Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Individual
PA2022-00003-1 03/02/2022 03/03/2024 Temperate East Lord Howe Licence Commercial tourism Charter fishing Devine Seafoods Pty Limited
PA2020-00092-4 27/01/2022 03/02/2026 Coral Sea Coral Sea Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Individual
PA2021-00139-2 24/01/2022 23/10/2023 Temperate East Norfolk Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Biofouling Solutions Pty Ltd.
PA2021-00144-1 20/01/2022 15/03/2024 North-west Gascoyne; Carnarvon Canyon; Ningaloo Licence Commercial tourism Charter fishing Renlyn Australia Pty Ltd
PA2021-00146-1 20/01/2022 12/12/2023 Temperate East Norfolk Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research CSIRO
PA2021-00155-1 17/01/2022 14/03/2022 Temperate East Central Eastern; Lord Howe; Hunter; Solitary Islands Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Individual
PA2021-00127-1 12/01/2022 14/03/2022 Temperate East Central Eastern; Lord Howe; Hunter; Solitary Islands Licence Commercial media Commercial Media Intomedia Production Services Pty Ltd/Nutopia Ltd
PA2021-00138-1 12/01/2022 03/03/2024 South-west Perth Canyon; Geographe; Bremer; South-west Corner Licence Commercial tourism Nature watching Whale Watch Western Australia
PA2021-00126-1 23/12/2021 31/03/2025 North Gulf of Carpentaria Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere
PA2021-00148-1 23/12/2021 31/01/2022 Temperate East Lord Howe Permit Recreational fishing Recreational fishing Individual
PA2021-00139-1 16/12/2021 11/02/2022 Temperate East Norfolk Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Biofouling Solutions Pty Ltd
PA2021-00147-1 15/12/2021 22/12/2021 Coral Sea Coral Sea  Permit Commercial media Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Tourism and Events Queensland
PA2021-00134-1 13/12/2021 01/04/2024 North-west Gascoyne; Ningaloo Licence Commercial tourism Nature watching Ningaloo Echo Tours Pty Ltd
PA2021-00114-1 8/12/2021 10/12/2022 South-east Flinders Permit Research and Monitoring Commercial research iXblue Pty Ltd
PA2021-00117-1 3/12/2021 7/03/2022 Coral Sea Coral Sea  Licence Commercial tourism Nature watching Silversea Cruises Australia Pty Ltd
PA2021-00121-1 3/12/2021 1/01/2023 North-west Gascoyne; Ningaloo Licence Commercial tourism Nature watching Skyhaven Pty Ltd
PA2021-00116-1 26/11/2021 1/12/2023 North West Cape York Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research James Cook University
PA2021-00108-1 25/11/2021 26/11/2023 Coral Sea Coral Sea  Licence Commercial tourism Nature watching Mike Ball Dive Expeditions Pty Ltd
PA2021-00113-1 25/11/2021 27/11/2023 Coral Sea Coral Sea  Licence Commercial tourism Nature watching The Trustee for SOF Unit Trust (business name: Spirit of Freedom Cruises)
PA2021-00115-1 25/11/2021 27/11/2023 Coral Sea Coral Sea  Licence Commercial tourism Nature watching Cairns Discount Diving Pty Ltd
PA2021-00118-1 25/11/2021 26/11/2023 North-west Mermaid Reef Licence Commercial tourism Scuba/snorkel activities The Trustee for Diversity Charters Unit Trust
PA2021-00129-1 25/11/2021 13/11/2023 South-west South-west Corner; Eastern Recherche Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Tim Langlois
PA2021-00119-1 24/11/2021 5/01/2022 Temperate East Lord Howe Permit Recreational fishing Scuba/snorkel activities Individual
PA2021-00119-2 24/11/2021 5/01/2022 Temperate East Lord Howe Permit Recreational fishing Recreational fishing Individual
PA2021-00133-1 24/11/2021 15/12/2021 Temperate East Lord Howe Permit Recreational fishing Recreational fishing Individual
PA2021-00109-1 5/11/2021 8/11/2023 North-west Gascoyne; Ningaloo Licence Commercial tourism Nature watching The Trustee for Bob Gray Family Trust
PA2021-00106-1 4/11/2021 31/05/2023 South-west Perth Canyon Permit Deploy a fish aggregating devices (FAD) Deploy a fish aggregating devices (FAD) Perth Game Fishing Club Inc
PA2019-00085-4 3/11/2021 31/03/2022 South-east Macquarie Island Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Individual
PA2021-00125-1 1/11/2021 7/11/2021 North-west Argo-Rowley Terrace; Mermiad Reef Permit Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Individual
PA2021-00068-3 26/10/2021 30/11/2021 North-west Roebuck Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Western Australian Museum
PA2021-00104-1 26/10/2021 21/12/2023 North-west Montebello; Argo-Rowley Terrace; Mermiad Reef Licence Commercial tourism Charter fishing The Trustee for Wilderness Safari Unit Trust
PA2021-00104-2 26/10/2021 21/12/2023 South-west Abrolhos Licence Commercial tourism Charter fishing Wilderness Safari Holidays T/As SPV Pelican Charters
PA2021-00100-1 21/09/2021 12/10/2023 Coral Sea Coral Sea Licence Commercial tourism Charter fishing Aroona Luxury Boat Charters
PA2021-00101-1 21/09/2021 01/10/2023 Temperate East Central Eastern; Solitary Islands; Licence Commercial tourism Charter fishing S CM Young
PA2021-00107-1 07/09/2021 15/11/2021 Temperate East Lord Howe Permit Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Individual
PA2021-00084-1 31/08/2021 08/08/2022 North-west Kimberley Licence Research and Monitoring Commercial research Neptune Geomatics Pty Ltd
PA2021-00092-1 30/08/2021 31/12/2021 North-west Carnarvon Canyon; Gascoyne; Ningaloo Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research CSIRO
PA2021-00103-1 30/08/2021 31/08/2022 Coral Sea Coral Sea Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Major Projects Foundation
PA2021-00087-1 20/08/2021 21/08/2023 Coral Sea Coral Sea Licence Commercial tourism Charter fishing The Trustee for The McVeigh Family Trust t/a Reality Cruises
PA2021-00102-1 13/08/2021 13/08/2022 Temperate East Lord Howe Permit Recreational fishing Recreational fishing Individual
PA2021-00097-1 12/08/2021 21/09/2023 Coral Sea Coral Sea Licence Commercial tourism Charter fishing The Trustee For The Wilson Family Trust
PA2021-00082-1 04/08/2021 31/08/2023 Temperate East Cod Grounds Licence Commercial tourism Scuba/snorkel activities; Commercial media SCUBA Haven
PA2021-00088-1 03/08/2021 03/08/2023 North-west Ningaloo; Gascoyne Licence Commercial tourism Scuba/snorkel activities; Nature watching Latitude Charters Pty Ltd
PA2021-00093-1 30/07/2021 05/08/2023 Temperate East Norfolk Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Individual
PA2021-00058-1 29/07/2021 31/07/2023 Coral Sea Coral Sea Licence Commercial tourism Scuba/snorkel activities The Trustee for Tradewind Charters Unit Trust
PA2021-00078-1 26/07/2021 10/08/2022 Temperate East Norfolk Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Individual
PA2021-00079-2 26/07/2021 01/09/2022 South-west Great Australian Bight; Western Eyre; Murat Permit Research Monitoring Individual
PA2018-00091-3 22/07/2021 28/02/2023 North-west Argo-Rowley Terrace; Gascoyne; Kimberley; Montebello; Shark Bay; Mermaid Reef; Ningaloo; Ashmore Reef Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research University of Western Australia
PA2021-00061-1 19/07/2021 01/05/2023 South-east Beagle Permit Research and Monitoring Commercial Media; Non-Commercial research Major Projects Foundation Ltd
PA2021-00091-1 16/07/2021 31/10/2021 Coral Sea Coral Sea Permit Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Individual
PA2021-00090-1 15/07/2021 15/08/2021 North-west Ningaloo; Shark Bay; Gascoyne Permit Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Use of a drone or other non-commercial remote piloted aircraft Individual
PA2021-00089-1 15/07/2021 16/07/2023 South-east Zeehan Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Fathom Pacific Pty Ltd
PA2021-00083-1 13/07/2021 30/06/2023 Temperate East Norfolk Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research Individual
PA2021-00080-1 13/07/2021 31/07/2022 Temperate East Norfolk Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research iXblue Pty Ltd
PA2021-00069-1 12/07/2021 06/08/2023 Coral Sea Coral Sea Licence Commercial tourism Scuba/snorkel activities The Trustee for the Benn Family Trust
PA2021-00081-1 12/07/2021 17/07/2022 South-west Jurien; Two Rocks Permit Research and Monitoring Non-commercial research University of Western Australia
PA2021-00056-1 06/07/2021 31/07/2026 North-west Dampier Licence Structures and works (commercial purposes) Excavations, works and maintenance; Dredging Robe River Mining Co. Pty. Ltd