Seabirds in flight. Photo by Fusion Films.

Seabirds in flight. Photo by Fusion Films.

Transitional management arrangements apply in Macquarie Island Marine Park and the other 13 marine parks of the South-east Marine Parks Network, until a new management plan for the Network is prepared and comes into effect. Please visit Macquarie Island Marine Park transitional management arrangements and South-east Marine Parks transitional management arrangements for more information.

Transitional management arrangements apply in Macquarie Island Marine Park and the other 13 marine parks of the South-east Marine Parks Network, until a new management plan for the Network is prepared and comes into effect. Please visit Macquarie Island Marine Park transitional management arrangements and South-east Marine Parks transitional management arrangements for more information.

Marine parks provide incredible experiences for visitors, including; boating, fishing, scuba diving, snorkelling and nature watching. Rules apply to these activities, including where and how they can be conducted.

See also: commercial approvals