On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by Parks Australia will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.

Cape petrel

Cape petrel

New arrangements for the South-east Marine Parks Network are in effect from 13 February 2025. Visit South-east Network Management Plan for more details including zoning and allowable activities.

With an abundance of food, East Gippsland Marine Park is an important foraging habitat for many oceanic seabirds such as cape petrels and wandering albatrosses.

The East Australian Current funnels warm waters from the north in dizzyingly complex ways, fuelling the marine food web.

These currents interact with the complex seafloor, a mix of:

  • continental shelf
  • plunging escarpments
  • deep canyons.

Huge eddies form off Cape Howe, swirling the warm waters together with cool nutrient-rich waters, allowing marine life to flourish.

The marine park is south-east of the New South Wales-Victoria border at Cape Howe. It covers 4137 square kilometres with depths from 600 metres to over 4000 metres.

It is a Multiple Use Zone.


The marine park is far offshore, but there are plenty of marine activities to enjoy at Eden and Mallacoota.

Don’t miss the annual Eden Whale Festival, or head out boating or fishing on Mallacoota Inlet.


Mapping the seafloor helps us better understand what kinds of habitats and marine life to expect.

On a recent voyage to East Gippsland, Marine Park scientists mapped the seafloor in detail while their colleagues sampled the marine life found there.

This work was part of the National Environmental Science Program.

Select the park area on the map below to see what you can do in the East Gippsland Marine Park.


South-east marine parks

Park area

4,137 km2

Depth range

600 to 4,000m

Average depth
