On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by Parks Australia will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.

Humpback whale tail

Humpback whale tail

Use the map below to navigate the South-east Marine Parks Network.

New arrangements for the South-east Marine Parks Network are in effect from 13 February 2025. Visit South-east Network Management Plan for more details including zoning and allowable activities.

South-east Marine Parks Network Overview

There are 14 Australian Marine Parks off the coast of Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, covering 701,927 square kilometres. Together they make up the South-east Network.

The Network includes a range of incredible habitats, such as deep and wide canyons, seamounts and the ancient land bridge between Tasmania and Victoria.

Ecosystems of the South-east Marine Parks Network feature unique and rare species, such as large black coral trees, golden kelp forests, deep-sea eels and Port Jackson shark aggregations. They also support threatened species, including the pygmy blue whale, shy and wandering albatross, and the southern elephant seal.

South-east Marine Parks Network Management Plan

The second management plan for the South-east Marine Parks Network came into operation on 13 February 2025.

Regional Engagement

The management of the South-east Marine Parks Network Management Plan is supported by the South-east Marine Parks Advisory Committee and First Nations engagement.

South-east marine parks