Gears and methods used for scientific sampling in Australian Marine Parks: Values, benefits and impacts
Untiedt C, Althaus F, Scoulding B, Williams A. (2022) V2. CSIRO, Australia
Scientific research within the Australian Marine Parks (AMPs) is critical to support the aims of the management plans, including improving knowledge, understanding of conservation values and the pressures on those values.
In order to help Parks Australia consider the impacts and risks of different types of scientific sampling within Australian Marine Parks, a project team at CSIRO created a collection of easy-to-read templates that can be used to inform the needs for, and consequences of, different types of scientific sampling.
Each template details:
- the construction and components of the gear or method
- the size and sampling ‘footprint’ of the gear or method
- the way the gear or method can be used, and
- identifies the value and benefit of the data collected by using the gear or method.
The information presented within the templates may help inform Parks Australia on the risks, benefits and sampling impacts when completing authorisation assessments.
It is important to note the Director assesses and makes decisions on authorisation applications using a variety of tools and sources. For more information, visit:
- Authorisations & Assessments Program
- Resources & publications, including Australian Marine Parks Assessment and Authorisations Policy.
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