On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by Parks Australia will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.

Researchers from Reef Life Survey diving in the Cod Grounds Marine Park. Photo: Toni Cooper
Researchers from Reef Life Survey diving in the Cod Grounds Marine Park. Photo: Toni Cooper

Science has formed the basis for establishing Australian Marine Parks and will remain key to successfully managing them.

We welcome your help to provide necessary scientific knowledge and understanding of marine park values, pressures, and adequacy of responses for effective management.

Our marine science program improves our understanding of marine systems, habitats, ecosystems and values.

This includes the impacts and benefits of fishing, tourism, oil and gas, as well as revealing new wonders about habitats, species, biological communities and taxonomy.

We actively monitor and research the effectiveness of our management arrangements and how people use these amazing places.

Scientific publications

Please check out our Australian Marine Parks scientific publications.

Exploring these resources is a great way to find out more about our parks.

Some items listed may be restricted due to publisher copyright conditions.

Citizen science

Citizen science is great way for community members to get involved in exploring our marine parks.  

If you have an idea for a citizen science program you want to run, let us know. Reef Life Survey is one such program revealing the hidden treasures in our parks.

Find out more about