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Latest marine parks news
Tough Penalty for illegal fishing in Australian Marine Parks
The Federal Court has sent a strong message to companies conducting illegal fishing activities within Australian Marine Parks, with a commercial fishing company fined $90,000 for trap fishing within the Oceanic Shoals Australian Marine Park.
New management arrangements commence for South-East Marine Parks
A new South-east Marine Parks Network Management Plan has come into effect, replacing the previous plan that expired in June 2023.
Securing the protection of the Indian Ocean Territories Marine Parks
The Australian Government is working with the Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands communities to secure the protection of the Indian Ocean Territories Marine Parks for the next generation with the release of the parks’ first ever management plans.
Don’t put yourself on the hook this Australia Day Weekend
The Pimpernel Rock National Park within Solitary Islands Marine Park and the Cod Grounds Marine Park, off the coast of Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour in New South Wales, are green zones. Fishing in these zones may result in a hefty fine.
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How we manage marine parks
Management plans set out how we manage our parks – protecting important marine habitats and species, while allowing people to use and enjoy these special places.
Find out more about how we manage marine parks under these plans by clicking the links below.
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