Royal penguins preening
Royal penguins preening

The Macquarie Island Marine Park is one of 14 marine parks under the South-east Marine Parks Network. From 1 July 2023, the marine park will be managed under transitional management arrangements until a new management plan is prepared for the South-east Parks Network.

Zoning and continuing activities

Macquarie Island Marine Park will now have three zone types:

  • Pink/Sanctuary Zone/IUCN Category Ia
  • Green/National Park Zone/IUCN Category II
  • Yellow/Habitat Protection Zone/IUCN Category IV.

Zoning determines what activities can take place in different areas of marine parks. Yellow zoning allows limited extractive activities like some types of commercial fishing. In green and pink zones, only certain ‘non-extractive’ uses are allowed.

Assessment of new activities

Some activities in the expanded Macquarie Island Marine Park may require assessment by the Director of National Parks to decide if and how they can proceed. This will ensure that risks to the values of the park are mitigated as much as possible and there is appropriate consultation with stakeholders and affected marine park users.

New activities requiring assessment include, but are not limited to:

  • Research and monitoring
  • Commercial tourism
  • Commercial aviation tours less than 3000m above sea level
  • Commercial media activities
  • The installation of structures, works or excavation
  • Waste management.

More detailed information on activities is provided in the zoning table below.

If you are considering undertaking one of these activities or another activity not covered in the zoning table, contact Parks Australia at

Assessment is in two steps: 

  1. Proponent provides basic information about proposed activity—what it is, where it is to be done and when. Parks Australia will then liaise with the proponent to clarify if formal assessment will be required.
  2. If formal assessment is required, the proponent may need to provide further information for the Director to assess whether:
  • the activity is consistent with the objectives of the zone or zones in which it is to be undertaken
  • the potential impacts and risks of the activity on the marine park’s values will be avoided or reduced to as low as reasonably practicable
  • the potential impacts and risks of the activity on marine park values and representativeness are acceptable.

If the Director is satisfied as to these matters, they will issue an authorisation for the proponent to carry out the activity.

Macquarie Island Marine Park Activity Table

Macquarie Island Marine Park Activity Table

More information

Approvals and determinations for an expanded Macquarie Island Marine Park